Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Heart Song

Trumpet notes glide upon eagle's feathers' listening wings.

Warm mirrors embrace peace's rays.

Flickers remember.

Cells exchange a note of unsung hearts' ocean's of unspoken secrets.

Key - fall from Heaven.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

All The Pretty Horses

Thunderous hoofbeatz…ground shattering strength moves Mother Earth and all that glitters and is not gold.

Moves bodies, wills and hearts to even sell their skin to possess the treasures; beauty, allure and sirens that sing their name.

The supremacy owned and so soon forgotten are but glimpses in the echo of time.

Worthwhile? The herds of wild horses, indeed!

The power of consumerism; fleeting; though if moments and fractions of life's satisfaction count; not without it's weight in mirrored reflections :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Reckless Abandon

Jump! Into the peripheral arms of wonder creation.

Orgin is discovered and mysterious pathways forged as oceans' springs into lightness of the stars: shine.

Glimmers requesting destiny.

Let go: soar on wings on wind toward self.

Meaning; definition; ideas of you.

Just be; continued child.

Just become.