Tuesday, February 28, 2012

God Bless U Fuckin' ALL

I'm an artist and am getting published in this book http://www.incoartists.com/

Fuck yeah!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Survival of Tha Fittest - Poker Face

No matter what poker hand in this game; joke; called "life" is handed to you;

Keep ya face!

Cuz it's a survival test!

If you slip; love; betrayal; lack of faith; evil;

Too much of too much...Is.

Wear those shades that shield your soul like armor...

Protect yourself at at all times; Million Dollar Baby!

Watch; everything unseen is lurking everywhere...

Your own heart/mind is what can be your worst enemy;

Your only recourse is to pray...always pray!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Broken Hearts

Totally loathsome; beast; not beauty...

How many times? Equals stopping the force?

Tested, burned and branded with fire; that which Hell belongs in...

Use it for something of worth?

How does a glass heart keep beating?

God; show me; speak to me, oh no, you can't....sin, that's right!

Pain in life; thought it brought beauty.

Well, I think death is beautiful....but no human is worth that, not by your hand.

I will wait, the Lord calls us when He wants.

Giving yourself entirely; for extremities beyond sanity's comprehensions....

And there's not much left, an empty shell, a skull, bones...make something useful and worthy of it Lord....

Rejecting a soldier.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fading Memories that Equal Your Pain

The  power within the fading of the pain, within thy life - which is thy being;

They ensure thy talents rely, as dandelion children; against; what you are; orchids; of the same kin...

Bad, eventually, fades, time; Father Time.

Is thy Best Friend, I have discovered, been in that space x 3 on paper.

It is so merciful; as you sometimes receive grace as rain soars, of  a hawkeye's view of humanity, to be Christlike; to forgive;

To fly, knowing, feeling, behooving nothing...peace is yours....
You must see, that forgiveness not behoove the forgiven, but the one that forgives...

They are as a caged neglected bird, set free, the greatest freedom, many wars, etc....have been fought for...

It is like no other....once experienced you will not forget, the screech of your anger let go...GOD!

I will never cage a  bird again, just for metaphorical reasons...

It is letting it go...forgiveness is not for the receiver, they don't even know.

It's for you.

It's healing, somehow.

Flying above in a life you never imagined of freedom;

Forgiveness wise, metaphorically speaking is  the greatest release you will probably ever know.

It will save your soul; anger wise; let it go....as a caged bird, neglected for years.. and cry and laugh with joy upon it's release.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Objects of My Affections - A Fantasy :)

Butterfly lashes enhances heaven's orgasm's...

Fuckin' Gangsta style and prowess;

Talents and God together; the sweet allure of a vampire; every slant, look, move, gesture es my adoration.

Church; you are lik one to me...

Perfection within thy exoticism; eroticism belongs to me...

 I am fortune!

The Holy Spirit/The Great Spirit Within Me

What am I?; but this Spirit = All.

That moves about the realms of the earth; making all work...

Holy, in His idea.

This Spirit brings life to the growth required to become what you belong to; your destiny.

I worship it.

I feel it; residing in my blood flowing through me; as stars exploding into the heavens.

Power; of lightness; of God.

He makes you all parts of Him; gifts are we all; treat each other so...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Nothing

That space that expends and excels all time...

Where you are what you are.

nothing is upsetting, bothersome, or stressful...

Is is one within you.

Is is an escape.

In a life of sin....

Es necessito.

I find peace in a lily pad; floating;  feeding the life below.

All answers are soughtable...

Keep thinking...softly.

Love Poeme

Amore!; sweet aroma of forever...

Placid; spotted orchid as a painted war horse; fighting for the All!

Sacrifice of thy purity for the ultimate essence of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Good; all; that is within thy beauty; soul; infuses  into ONE.

Time is all that is between us...

May the journey treat us well; as the Lord is our Father and the Blessed Virgin is our Mother.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Look Up

Light; seeping through willows of darkness' pains.

It equals hope - brings life to our eyes - the windows to the soul; why else would the moon exist?

God would not lead us through a starless, moonless night!

Ahhh, colors; the best art is not within reciprocation!

Fucking decimation lies within my mind upon a wing of a bird's fine feather; fading in the finest way; or a petal, es not within the realm of the greatest artist's re-creation!

Wind, acts as a play to God's accents, as a performance; making them sooo beautiful...daily.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Talents are God

Creative juices flow; through rivers and mountain meadow's dew;

and in our blood, as that which feeds life.

Creativity = spirit personified; expression of beauty and love;

Making something out of nothing

Perfect-less perhaps; but excessively brilliant as a ray of light in that.

What couldn't that be but the GOD.

Gifts to make this sin-filled life more beautiful.

Life is beautiful, as is His Will.

God is good. Period.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Seeker's Answers

You can journey toward wisdom by playing witness to the simplest rhythms.

Nature...the ultimate destiny; death feeds life; is good.

This system; thoughts of nano seconds; ease pain; promote answers; lighten wisdom.

The building and cars seem to get in the way.

Although; upon a hawk eye's view; streetlights are as orbs of God, feeding the world as the neurons and  electric systems of our minds.

Therefore; the way I see it...

The earth and the world are much like the brain and the mind.