Friday, April 15, 2016


Like woven yarn; I'm twisted in a ball

Of; I want it all

Defied by air and warmth and you

Yet I cannot see well enough to see it through

This ball of yarn

Was once a beast's toy

It really was all about a boy

To succumb this wound

Will take a tune

A song never heard

You could start with a word...


Through the looking glass for a quarter's cost I see.

The rumblings, maze causing ways that human beings are and be.

One is big, the other small.  One is dark, one is light. Yet all; right now, perched against the shopping mall.

Hmmmm. One is wearing plaid; another a gown.

Ha ha! Does one need a pitchfork and the other a princess crown?

Well, variety's good. I didn't do it.

But it's funny to me that I see it; identifying and analyzing my way as to why the Creator knew to make us all magnets; attracting or opposing ourselves through it.


Punch, hear the crunch!

I thought I was tough but I ain't enough

Not for these blows

They're really, easy listening harmonic notes on a breeze;

however, bringing me to my knees

Enough of this bullshit; hidden by glamour

Just strap me up in my Christian armor.


Being skinned alive would hurt less

But you can't tell by my barbie doll dress

Invisible afflictions I do have; see?

I'm writing about it; so read about the unseen me

Day by day I try to smile through it all

Hoping not to offend the innocent; lest I fall

Good days and bad; just like all else

I think I'm tricking myself; this is not top shelf

How am I alive?

I don't know what to say

Laugh or cry; it's just one more day.

Loss of Innocence

I wave my white flag and have to surrender

Held under a rock and a hard place - ever so tender

To start out so free and turn into a slave

It is how we all do behave

Repent; kneel down - always smile through the frown

For triumph is impossible without the crown

To obtain the crown we have to rise up each time we fall down

We trip - all the time; but dust ourselves off and dance - still shine.

Saints and Sinners

All in one

we do all this in the name of fun?

Will the old outlive the young?

I pause, reflect, and think it's dumb

If my friends jumped off a bridge - would I too?

NO. I will remain true

Not altruistic and lofty and holier than thou

But, just me; my core...the untainted part

Of who's care I partake with the Sacred Heart

Metallic Urgency

Metal reflects from the light declaring now

This source leads me to kiss your brow

Out of sight and not out of my mind

Love is truly and absolutely blind

But more beautiful because so

To wipe out sin; and coal becomes snow

And love is pure and I'll never know

Monday, April 11, 2016

On Paper

Line to wood; finality indeed.

Isn't that how we've read the Apostles Creed?

What is this power; within ink to paper?

If you're any good, you can win a bit of favor.

Or get someone to hear what they can't with your voice.

Sometime we read what we don't want to see.

It registers without a choice.

But dissertion is always near...

So remain of good cheer.

Monday, April 4, 2016


Enuf is enuf I sing from the bluff

of my mind in this time

The clock's chime with my rhyme

N say; don't, stop and no!

Don't you dare - forgo

What you are ordered to do

within this chaos of two

You just do; - act like all else!

or else
